Colloquial Egyptian Arabic expressions

طخ - يطخ مشوار (Taxx - yiToxx mešwaar)
To cover a long distance, usually on foot.
طخيت المشوار ده عالفاضي (Taxxeit il-mešwaar da 3al-faaDi)
I went all the way out there for nothing.

مسح - يمسح (مسح) (لـ...) جوخ (masaH - yimsaH [masH] (li-s.o.) guux)
To suck up to someone. Lit. to wipe the baize (a kind of fabric).

فضفض - يفضفض (faDfaD - yifaDfaD)
To open up to someone, unburden yourself.
If a friend of yours was upset, you could tell her,
فضفضي لي اللي في قلبك عشان تستريحي (faDfaDiili lli fi 'albak 3ašaan tistrayyaHi)
Tell me everything that's in your heart so you can relax.

فش - يفش غله في (fašš - yifišš ġillu fi)
To vent one's anger at (someone); to take it out on them.
جوزي عمال يفش غله فيا نازل شخط وبهدلة عالطالعة والنازلة (goozi 3ammaal yifišš ġillu fiyya naazil šaxT wa-bahdala 3aT-Tal3a win-nazla)
My husband keeps taking his anger out on me, yelling like crazy about anything, big or small.

قفتشك ('afaštak)
Caught you! Said jokingly. For example, if you caught your brother sneaking a piece of cake out of the kitchen, you could tell him, قفتشك!

على سنجة عشرة (3ala singit 3ašara)
Dressed to the nines.

قد البلية ('add il-bilya)
Tiny, very small. (Lit. the size of a marble.)

فات - يفوت (faat - yifuut)
This verb can have multiple meanings. (1) to pass by. It can be used to refer to missing something, like an opportunity, or a bus you didn't catch.
الدور فاتك (id-door faatak)
You missed your turn.

(2) to elapse, go by (in reference to time)
يللا بقى، معاد نومك فات من زمان (yalla ba'a, ma3aad noomak faat min zamaan)
Go on now, it's way past your bedtime. (lit. your bedtime passed a long time ago)

(3) to pay a call or drop by.
طب هفوت عليك بكرة (Tab hafuut 3aleik bukra)
Ok, I'll drop by tomorrow.

فاتك نص عمرك (faatak noSS 3omrak)
You really missed out. Lit. Half your life passed you by.
لو ماجيتش، هيفوتك نص عمرك! (law magitš, hayfuutak noSS 3omrak)
If you don't come, you'll really be missing out!

سلق - يسلق (سلق) بيض (sala' - yislu' [sal'] beiD)
To do a job hastily and carelessly just to get it over with. Lit. to boil eggs (because boiling eggs is very easy and quick).
هو بيسلق بيض علشان يخلص الموضوع في غمضة عين (howwa biyislu' beiD 3alašaan yixallaS il-mawDuu3 fi ġamDit 3ein)
He's rushing things so he can finish the matter in the twinkling of an eye.

قرّ - يقرّ على ('arr - yi'urr 3ala)
(1) To jabber on about something, thus risking attracting the evil eye. (2) to nag.

نقّ - ينقّ في (na'' - yinu'' fi)
(1) To talk incessantly and enviously, thus bringing misfortunate on whoever you're talking about. (2) to nag.

اتحسد - يتحسد (itHasad - yitHisid)
To be envied/made a victim of the evil eye
يا بنتي، بطلي الكلام ده، هتتحسدي (ya binti, baTTali il-kalaam da, hatitHisdi)
Sweetie, quit that, you'll attract the evil eye.

فوّل - يفوّل على (fawwil - yifawwil 3ala)
To jinx someone by mentioning possible misfortune, thus tempting fate.
انا حاسس انك هتسقط السنة دى. - ماتفوّلش عليا! (ana Haasis innak hatis'uT is-sana di. - matfawwilš 3alayya!)
I feel like you're going to fail this year. - Don't jinx me!

اسكت \ اخرس (uskut/ixras)
Shut up. اسكت is more polite than اخرس, which is rude.

على بعضـ (3ala ba3D- + pronoun suffix)
فى أيه يا بت يا سنية مالك مش على بعضك ليه .. حصل ايه يا بت؟ (fii eih ya bitt ya sanniyya, maalik, miš 3ala ba3Dik leih?...HaSal eih ya bitt?)
What is it, Saniya? What's wrong with you, why aren't you yourself? What happened, girl?

اشمتى - يشمتى (išmata - yišmeti)
To take malicious pleasure in someone else's pain — basically, to feel schadenfreude or gloat over their unhappiness. ("Schadenfreude" itself is شماتة šamāta.)
انت شمتان في؟ (inta šamtaan feyya?)
Are you gloating over me?

زبيبة (zibiiba)
Literally زبيبة means "raisin," but it can also refer to the dark bump on the forehead that some very pious Muslim men get after lots of praying (since you touch your forehead to the ground repeatedly during prayer). This is what a زبيبة looks like (read more about it here).

فات الاوان (faat il-awaan)
It's too late.

شايف نفسه (šaayif nafsu)
هو فاكر نفسه حلو اوى ومفيش حد زيه وفاكر ان البنات هتموت عليه بس هو غلطان جدا لان البنات مش بتحب الشاب اللى شايف نفسه. (howwa faakir nafsu Helw 'awi wa-mafiiš Hadde zayyu wa-faakir inn il-banaat hatmuut 3aleih, bass howwa ġalTaan giddan, li'ann il-banaat miš bitHebb iš-šabb illi šaayif nafsu)
He thinks he's so great and there's no one like him, and he thinks girls will go crazy over him, but he's totally wrong, because girls don't like guys who are conceited.

رميو (romyo)
A Romeo. Much like the English idiomatic usage.
دا شاب فاكر نفسه رميو وبدور على جوليت حبيبته بس دا عنده البنات كلها جوليت! (da šabb faakir nafsu romyo wa-bidawwar 3ala žulyett Habibtu, bass da 3andu l-banaat kullaha žulyett!)
He's a guy who thinks he's a Romeo, looking for his darling Juliet, but to him all the girls are Juliet!

آخر زمان (aaxir zamaan)
Used as an adjective to describe current things you don't like — like "oh, the kids these days!"
شوف ستات اخر زمان بيعملوا ايه (šuuf sittaat aaxir zamaan biya3milu eih)
See what women these days are doing! (said disapprovingly)

آخر العنقود (aaxir il-3an'uud)
The youngest child in a family. Lit. the last of the bunch (of grapes).
آخر العنقود سكر معقود وبياخد الحب كله وبيبقا متدلع آخر دلع (aaxir il-3an'uud sukkar ma3'uud wa-byaaxod il-Hobbe kullu wa-byib'a mitdalla3 aaxir dala3)
The youngest child is the baby of the family (lit. sugar boiled down with lemon juice and water), gets all the love and becomes completely and totally spoiled.

ربنا نفخ في صورته (rabbina nafax fi Surtu)
He did well this time (unlike usual); he got lucky. Lit. God blew on his picture.
ربنا ينفخ في صورتك يا زمالك وماتخيبش رجائى (rabbina yunfux fi Surtak ya zamaalik wa-matxayyibš ragaa'i)
I hope you manage to get lucky (for once), Zamalek (one of Egypt's two main soccer teams, along with Ahli), [so] you don't disappoint me.

داخ - يدوخ (دوخة) (daax - yiduux [dooxa])
Lit. to get dizzy. More figuratively, it can mean to get tired from being given the run-around; to have difficulty getting something done, going from place to place with no result.
دخت السبع دوخات...لفيت بيه على دكاترة وشيوخ واوليا...حتى القسيس رحت له! (doxt is-saba3 doxaat...laffeit biih 3ala dakatra wa-šyuux wa-awliyya...Hatta l-'assiis, roHte-lu!)
I really wore myself out going around with him to doctors, sheikhs, awliya*...I even went to the priest!

دخت من اللف والدوران في المجمع (doxt min il-laff wad-dawaraan fil-mugamma3)
I wore myself out with going around and around the Mugamma**.

* اوليا الله (awliya llaah) are sheikhs who have little mosques from which they give people recommendations.
** The مجمع (mugamma3) is a massive center of Egyptian bureaucracy located in Tahrir Square, in downtown Cairo. As such, it has a pretty fearsome reputation as a horrible place to try and get anything done.

فصّ ملح وداب (faSS malH wa-daab)
To vanish into thin air, completely disappear. A فص ملح is a grain of salt; if you put a grain of salt into some water, it'll dissolve and vanish, so this is where the expression comes from.
الراجل ومراته وابنه يختفي في لحظة كده؟ فص ملح وداب؟ (ir-raagil wi-mraatu wibnu yixtifu fi laHZa kida? faSSe malHe wa-daab?)
[Could] the man, his wife and son disappear in a moment like that? Vanish into thin air?

This cartoon was published in Al-Masry Al-Youm on May 7, 2011. It refers to the widespread absence of the police in Egypt at that time.
Political cartoon showing a policeman, his wife, and their son hiding under a table
مش عارفة ابنك ده طالع لمين؟ لما احتاجه بيختفي في ثانية كأنه فص ملح وداب! (miš 3arfa ibnak da Taali3 li-miin? lamma aHtaagu, byixtifi fi sanya ka'annu faSSe malHe wa-daab!)
I don't know who that son of yours takes after! Whenever I need him, he disappears, as if he vanished into thin air! [i.e. the policeman's son is just like him, as the police aren't there when people need them either.]

بعيد عنك (ba3iid 3annak)
Used to refer to something undesirable, saying, "May such a thing be far from you."
دى ست غلبانة يا مولانا بعيد عنك مابتخلّفش (di sitt ġalbaana ya mawlaana ba3iid 3annak mabitxallifš)
She's a poor woman, sir*, who can't have kids, God forbid that such a thing should happen to you/your family.

* مولانا (mawlaana) is a title of respect given to a Muslim leader or scholar like a sheikh.

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله (la Hawla wala qowwa illa billaah)
There is no power or strength but with God. Used, generally by religious Muslims, on hearing that something bad happened to someone. Or it can express resignation or helplessness.

اعمل معروف (i3mel ma3ruuf)
Please, do something nice; do me a favor.
اعمل معروف يا أستاذ تعمل لى لا مؤاخذه استئناف فى المصيبة اللى أنا فيها دى! (i3mel ma3ruuf ya ustaaz, ti3mel-li la mo'axza isti'naaf fil-muSiiba ill-ana fiiha di!)
Please do me a favor, sir, arrange an appeal for me in this disaster I'm in!

تقيل (ج) تقايل (ti'iil [pl.] ta'aayil)
Someone who keeps his cool.

ايده طايلة (iidu Tayla)
Describes someone strong who can do anything.
المرة دى نازل قصادى واحد تقيل اوي وايده طايلة. كل اهل البلد لاممين حواليه (il-marraa-di naazil 'oSaadi waaHid ti'iil 'awi wa-iidu Tayla. kull ahl il-balad lammimiin Hawaleih.)
This time, someone's running against me who's really hard to upset, who's really strong. All the people in the district are gathering around him.

ناجح بتلاتة (naagiH bi-talaata)
Completely successful.

ايده تتلفّ في حرير (iidu titlaff fi Hriir)
He's a great craftsman, skillful at his job. Lit. His hand (deserves to be) wrapped in silk.

شيش بيش (šeiš beiš)
Half blind.

استرجل (istargil)
Be a man.

طار - يطير من الفرحة (Taar - yiTiir min il-farHa)
To jump for joy. Lit. to fly out of joy.

يا ساتر (ya saatir)
An expression of dismay, like "Oh no!", meaning "May God protect us!"

على لحم بطنه (3ala laHm baTnu)
On an empty stomach. Lit. on the meat of his stomach.

سرّك في بير (sirrak fi biir)
Your secret is safe with me. Lit. Your secret is in a well.

ماتتبلش في بقه فولة (matitballaš fi bo''u fuula)
He has a big mouth; he can't keep his mouth shut about anything. Lit. A bean wouldn't get wet in his mouth.

معذور في الفلوس (ma3zuur fil-filuus)
Hard-up for money.

خليك في حالك (xalliik fi Haalak)
Mind your own business.

بلّ - يبلّ (بلّة) ريقه (ball - yibill [balla] rii'u)
To wet one's whistle (i.e. have something to drink). Or, to give someone respite. Lit. to wet/moisten one's saliva.

شحطط - يشحطط (شحططة) (šaHTaT - yišaHTaT [šaHTaTa])
To drag someone around from place to place.

خلّص -يخلّص حق (xallaS - yixallaS Ha'')
To take something someone owes you in trade instead of money.

كفر - يكفر (كفر) في (kafar - yikfar [kufr] fi)
To get fed up with something, sick and tired of it. (On its own, كفر means "to blaspheme or deny God's existence.")
انا مش عارف أأكل عيالى منين .. دانا كفران في عيشتي ... مراتي مطلعة عين أهلى (ana miš 3aarif a'akkil 3iyaali minein...dana kufran fi 3ešti...mraati miTalla3a 3ein ahli)
I don't know where I'll get food for my kids from. I'm sick and tired of my life, and my wife is giving my family a hard time.

اللهم بلغت، اللهم فاشهد (allaahuma ballaġt, allaahuma fašhad)
I warned you, and you didn't listen to me, so if things turn out badly for you, it's your fault.

قصّر - يقصّر (تقصير) ('aSSar - yi'aSSar [ta'Siir])
To neglect one's duty to others.
احنا ماباركناش عالمخبز...احنا مقصرين في حقك (eHna mabariknaaš 3al-maxbaz; eHna mi'aSSariin fi Ha''ak)
We haven't congratulated you on (your new) bakery; we've neglected our duty to you.

شال - يشيل (شئ) من الدماغ (šaal - yišiil s.t. min id-dimaaġ)
To forget about something (lit. to remove it from one's mind).
الموضوع ده تشيله من دماغكوا خالص (il-mawDuu3 da tšiilu min dimaġku xaaliS)
[Just] completely forget about this matter.

دخل - يدخل من الباب (daxal - yidxal min il-baab)
To approach the matter of marriage in a legitimate, sanctioned way. Lit. to enter by the door (as opposed to the window) — so instead of a boy going out with a girl secretly, he goes to her parents and asks for her hand.
ايه الغلط في كده يا مرقص وماله...احنا داخلين من الباب (eih il-ġalaT fi kida ya mor'oS wa-maalu...eHna daxliin min il-baab)
[After a proposal is refused] What's wrong with this, Morkos? What's the problem? We went about it the right way!

من الباب للطاق (min il-baab liT-Taa')
For no apparent reason. Lit. from the door to the opening.
ده رفض كده من الباب للطاق (da rafaD kida min il-baab liT-Taa')
He refused just like that, for no good reason!

في رقبة __ (fi ra'abit s.o.)
Someone's responsibility. Lit. on someone's neck.
دينك ده هيفضل في رقبتي طول عمري (deinak da hayifDal fi ra'abti Tuul 3omri)
I'll be in your debt my whole life.

علامة مسجلة (3alaama mosaggala)
A trademark; can be used idiomatically, as in English, to refer to something someone does really well.
ملوخية أم مريم علامة مسجلة (moloxiyyet omm maryam 3alaama mosaggala)
Omm Maryam's molokhiya is her trademark! (i.e. no one does it better than her)

طلّع فيه القطط الفاطسة (Talla3 fiih il-'oTaT il-faTsa)
To only find bad things to say about something, often in the context of finding reasons to refuse someone. Lit. to claim it has dead cats in it.
اول ما وصلت بنت خالتى الفلحوسة الاكبر منى جابت لى عريس، جبران خاطر لامي، قررت انى اقابله، وقلت هطلع فيه القطط الفاطسة بعدين (awwil ma wiSilt bint xalti l-falHuusa l-akbar minni gabit-li 3ariis, gubraan xaTr ummi, qarrart inni a'ablu, wa'olt haTalla3 fiih il-'oTaT il-faTsa ba3dein)
As soon as my know-it-all older cousin brought me a bridgegroom, to help my mom, I decided to meet him, and I said I'd find reasons to refuse him afterwards.

كل ما يجيلي أخ (بابا) يعقد يطلع فيه القطط الفاطسة عشان يرفضه (kulle ma yigiili axx, [baaba] yi'3od yiTalla3 fiih il-'oTaT il-faTsa 3ašaan yirfuDu)
Whenever anyone comes to me, [my dad] sits finding bad things to say about him in order to refuse him.

ابقى قابلني لو... (ib'a 'abilni law...)
I'll eat my hat if... You can have a laugh at my expense if...
ابقى قابلني لو حليت اللغز ده (ib'a 'abilni law Halleit il-luġze da)
I'll eat my hat if you [can] solve this puzzle. (i.e. I bet you can't solve this puzzle.)

شايل من __ (šaayil min __)
Holding a grudge against someone.
انا بس مستغربة لان لو هي شايله منه، وهو شايل منها، ليه هما اصحاب لغاية دلوقتى؟ (ana bass mistaġraba, li'annu law heyya šayla minnu, wa-howwa šaayil minha, leih homma SHaab li-ġaayit dilwa'ti?)
I'm just surprised, because if she's holding a grudge against him, and he's holding a grudge against her, why are they still friends?

حقد - يحقد (حقد) على (Ha'ad - yiH'id [Hi'd] 3ala s.o.)
To hold a grudge against someone.

نفخ - ينفخ (نفخ) في قربة مقطوعة (nafax - yunfux [nafx] fi 'irba ma'Tuu3a)
To do something pointless or futile. Lit. to blow in (attempt to inflate) a torn balloon.
ياعم إنت بتنفخ فى قربة مقطوعة. دى بلد ما منهاش رجا. إنت بتتعب روحك على إيه؟ مافيش فايدة من الكلام اللى بتقوله. ريّح نفسك، كان غيرك أشطر (ya 3amm, inta bitunfux fi 'irba ma'Tuu3a. di balad ma minhaaš raga. inta bitit3eb ruuHak 3ala eih? mafiiš fayda mil-kalaam illi bit'uulu. rayyaH nafsak, kan ġeirak ašTar)
Buddy, you're wasting your time. This is a country without hope. What are you tiring yourself out for? What you're saying has no use. Relax, other people than you were smarter (i.e. they tried and didn't succeed, so you certainly won't).

أدّن - يدّن في مالطا (addan - yiddan fi malTa)
To be talking to a brick wall, or feel like you're wasting your breath on someone who's not listening to you. Literally, to make the azaan (Muslim call to prayer) in Malta, which historically is very Catholic.
فعلا بيحاول يعمل الصح لكن محدش معاه وبحس انه بيدن فى مالطا (fi3lan biyHaawil yi3mel iS-SaHH, laakin maHaddiš ma3aah, wa-baHess innu biyiddan fi malTa)
He really tries to do the right thing, but no one supports him, and I feel like he's wasting his breath on people who don't listen.

بصوا من الاخر احنا كده بندن في مالطا ومفيش حد سمعنا وعاملين نضيع وقت علي الفاضي (boSSu, min il-aaxir eHna kida bniddan fi malTa wa-mafiiš Hadde simi3na, wa-3amliin niDayya3 wa't 3al-faaDi)
Look, from the end, we've been talking to a brick wall, with no one listening to us, just wasting time (lit. losing time for nothing).

لا حياة لمن تنادي (la Hayaah li-man tunaadi)
Said sarcastically to someone who just doesn't get what you're saying. It's kind of mean, so be careful how you use it.

زي القطة المغمضة (zayy il-'oTTa l-miġammaDa)
As innocent as a blind kitten.
وحتى لو على دراية وعارفة كل حاجة المفروض انها تظهرله ده ولا دايما تكون قدامه زى القطة المغمضة او الملاك البرئ اللى مايعرفش اى حاجة عن اى حاجة؟ (wa-Hatta law 3ala diraaya we-3arfa kulle Haaga, il-mafruuD innaha tiZhar-lu da wala dayman tikuun 'oddaamu zayy il-'oTTa l-miġammaDa aw il-malaak il-barii' illi mayi3rafš ayya Haaga 3an ayya Haaga?)
And even if [she] is knowledgeable and knows everything, should she show him that, or when she's in front of him always be like a little kitten or innocent angel who doesn't know anything about anything?

خلى رقبته زي السمسمة (xalla ra'abtu zayy is-simsima)
To make someone feel small or humiliate them. Lit. to make someone's neck like a sesame seed.
اخرس يا جزمة، خليت رقبتي زي السمسمة قدام الناس الكبرا. (ixras ya gazma, xalleit ra'abti zayy is-simsima 'oddaam in-naas il-kobra)
Shut up you jerk (lit. shoe), you humiliated me in front of important people.

طوّل - يطوّل رقبته (Tawwil - yiTawwil ra'abtu)
To do yourself proud, do something impressive. Lit. to lengthen one's neck.

راح في شربة مية (raaH fi šarbit mayya)
He died a sudden or pointless death.

يا بختك! (ya baxtak!)
Lucky you!

رجعت - ترجع المياه لمجاريها (rig3it - tirga3 il-mayaah li-magariiha)
To go back to normal. Lit. the water returned to its (regular) courses.
كنت متخاصم مع صاحبى هيثم و هو بالنسبالى اكتر صاحب لكن بعد كده المياه رجعت لمجاريها و تمام قوووووى. (kunt mitxaaSim min SaHbi haitam wa-howwa bin-nisbaali aktar SaaHib, laakin ba3de kida l-mayaah rig3it li-magariiha wa-tamaam 'awi)
I wasn't speaking to my friend Haitham, who's my best friend, but after that things went back to normal and were great.

ودن من طين وودن من عجين (widne min Tiin wa-widne min 3agiin)
Describes someone who's turning a deaf ear to what you're saying. Lit. an ear [blocked] by mud and an ear blocked by dough.
ما طول عمرهم عارفين اللي بيحصل. وطول عمرهم ودن من طين وودن من عجين. (ma Tuul 3omrohom 3arfiin illi biyiHSal. wa-Tuul 3omrohom widne min Tiin wa-widne min 3agiin)
They've always known what's going on. And they've always ignored it.

و تليفزيونات العالم كل يوم بيعرضوا بهدلة الناس كل يوم فى طوابير العيش وبقت فضيحة عالمية و الزعيم عامل ودن من طين وودن من عجين. (wa-televizyonaat il-3aalam kulle yoom biyi3riDu bahdalit in-naas kulle yoom fi Tawabiir il-3eiš wa-ba'it faDiiHa 3aalamiyya, wiz-za3iim 3aamil widne min Tiin wa-widne min 3agiin)
And the TVs of the world are showing the mess every day, people in bread lines every day. It's become a global scandal, and the president (lit. the leader) isn't listening.

على بلاطة (3ala balaaTa)
خلينا نتكلم على بلاطة. (xalliina nitkallim 3ala blaaTa)
Let's talk bluntly; let's not mince words.

برج من عقله\مخه\دماغه\نافوخه طار - يطير (burg min 3a'lu/moxxu/dimaaġu/nafuuxu Taar - yiTiir)
He went out of his mind. Lit. a tower from his mind/brain/head flew. (There are a lot of variants of this expression; any is fine.)

صعبان على __ (Sa3baan 3ala)
An active participle used to talk about: (1) something that's difficult/hard on someone, or (2) feeling sorry for someone.
والله حرام .. انا اللي صعبان عليا الطفلة البريئة دي ذنبها ايه! (wallaahi Haraaam! ana lli Sa3baan 3aleiyya T-Tifla l-barii'a di, zambaha eih?)
I swear (lit. by God), it's shameful! The one I feel sorry for is this innocent child — what did she do wrong? (lit. what is her guilt?)

أتاري (ataari)
This can be used before a noun or attached to a pronoun suffix to indicate the discovery of something. Like "It turns out..."
اتاري مش بس انا اللي خبصت في رمضان طلعتي زيي واكتر. (ataari miš bass ana lli xabaSt fi ramaDaan, Tili3ti zayyi wa-aktar)
Turns out it's not just me who "cheated" during Ramadan [i.e. ate when I wasn't supposed to], you've turned out to be like me and more.

قد ('add)
(1) size.
شوف الافعى ده قد ايه! (šuuf il-af3a da 'adde eih!)
See how big this snake is!

(2) extent; amount.
مش عارفه أتقرب منه بكرهه قد ما حبيته. (miš 3arfa at'arrab minnu, bakrahhu 'adde ma Habbeitu.)
I can't go near him, I hate him [now] as much as I loved him [before].

حاول على قد ما تقدر ماتقولش اى سلبيات حصلت فى حياتك. (Haawil 3ala 'adde ma ti'dar mat'olš ayya silbiyyaat HaSlit fi Hayaatak.)
Try as much as you can not to talk about anything negative that happened in your life.

(3) capacity; caliber.
بالراحة عليا أنا مش قد الانجليزي بتاعك دا. (bir-raaHa 3alayya, ana miš 'add il-ingliizi bitaa3ak da)
Go slowly with me, my English isn't as good as yours [more literally, I'm not capable of your English].

ربنا يخليك علي الكلام الجميل ده. وانا مبتدئ لسه في المجال ده. يعني انا مش قد الكلام الكبير الي انت قولتو. (rabbina yxalliik 3ala k-kalaam ig-gamiil da. wana mubtadi' lissa fil magaal da. ya3ni ana miš 'add ik-kalaam ik-kibiir ill-inta 'oltu)
Thank you for your kind words. I'm still a beginner in this field, so I'm not worthy of the great things you said.

انت مش قدى .. ( انا مش بتخانق) انما انت مش قدى فى اى مجال ..فى فرق شاسع بينى وبينك. (inta miš 'addi. ana miš batxaani', innama-nta miš 'addi fi ayya magaal. fi far' šaasi3 beini wa-beinak.)
You're not on my level. I'm not fighting [with you], but you can't measure up to me in any field. There's a huge difference between us.

To refer to someone as على قده means that they're not very good when it comes to the matter at hand.
معلش اعذريني اصل انا على قدي في مسأله الشعر. (ma3lišš, i3zuriini, aSl-ana 3ala 'addi fi mas'alit iš-ši3r.)
Sorry, [please] make allowances for me, as I'm not great when it comes to poetry.

مسك - يمسك العصايا من النص (misik - yimsik il-3aSaaya min in-noSS)
To sit on the fence, or try to avoid taking sides. Lit. to hold the stick from the middle.
هو مش عايز يطلع نفسه كداب وفنفس الوقت بيقول ان اه كلام الشهود ممكن يبقى صح عايز يمسك العصايا من النص. (howwa miš 3aayiz yiTalla3 nafsu kaddaab, wa-fi nafs il-wa't bi'uul innu aah, kalaam iš-šuhuud mumkin yib'a SaHH, 3aayiz yimsik il-3aSaaya min in-noSS)
He doesn't want to make himself a liar, and at the same time, he says that yeah, what the witness said could be right; he wants to avoid taking sides.

نفد بجلده (nafad bi-gildu)
He escaped by the skin of his teeth. Lit. he escaped with his skin.
مبروك يا عم إنك نفدت بجلدك من ثانوي .. ومبروك إنك هتبقا من طلاب الجامعة 1000 1000 مبروووك... (mabruuk ya 3amm innak nafadt bi-gildak min sanawi...wa-mabruuk innak hatib'a min Tullaab ig-gam3a, alf alf mabruuk)
Congratulations on escaping from high school with your life, man. And congratulations on becoming a university student. A thousand congratulations!

دبلر - يدبلر (dablar - yidablar)
To repeat a year in school.
الشاب من دول يدخل الجامعة وأول حاجة يفكر فيها إزاي أصاحب بنت - أي بنت – وبعد ما يحصل المراد تلاقي الاثنين عايشين مع بعض الوهم بالنهار في شوارع الجامع وبالليل ع التليفون وتكون النتيجة إيه ؟؟! الولد هو إلي بيدبلر.
(iš-šabb min dool yidxul ig-gam3a wa-awwil Haaga yifakkar fiiha zzaayy aSaaHib bint - ayya bint - wa-ba3de ma yiHSal il-muraad tilaa'i l-itnein 3ayšiin ma3 ba3D il-wahm bin-nahaar fi šawaara3 ig-gam3a wa-bil-leil 3at-telefoon, watkuun in-natiiga eih? il-walad howwa lli bidablar)
That kind of guy goes to college, and the first thing he thinks of is "how I can make friends with a girl - any girl?" and after he achieves his desire, you find the two living a delusion together, during the day in the university streets and at night on the phone...and what's the result? The guy's the one who repeats a year.

عزبة ابوه (3ezbit abuuh)
His personal property to do with as he likes. Lit. his father's estate or farmland.
نفسى اقول حاجة كل التعليقات بتشتم فى جمال يعنى الناس مش عاوزاه وهى مصر عزبة ابوه عشان يورثه
(nifsi a'uul Haaga, kull it-ta3liqaat bitištim fi gamaal, ya3ni n-naas miš 3awzaah, wa-heyya maSr 3ezbit abuuh 3ašaan yiwarrasu?)
I want to say something, all the comments are insulting Gamal [Mubarak]; it means the people don't want him. Is Egypt his father's personal property, for him to bequeath it to him?
Note that توريث is commonly used in Egypt to refer to Mubarak's plan to have his son "inherit" the presidency.

عمل - يعمل من الحبة قبة (3amal - yi3mel min il-Habba 'obba)
To make a mountain out of a molehill. Lit. to make a dome out of a seed.
دايما انت يا محمود عامل من الحبة قبة وعلى طول تركب عالحصان وتطلّع السيف زي ما يكون الواحد ارتكب جريمة في حقك شخصيا (انت تقرب لمرتضى منصور ولا حاجة؟)
(dayman enta ya maHmuud 3aamel mil-Habba 'obba wa 3ala Tuul tirkab 3al-HoSaan wa-tiTalla3 is-seif zayy maykuun il-waaHid irtakab gariima fi Ha''ak šaxSiyyan. inta ti'rab li mortaDa manSuur wala Haaga?)
Mahmoud, you always make a mountain out of a molehill and jump on your horse and get out your sword as if someone committed a crime against you personally. Are you related to Mortada Mansour* or something?

* Mortada Mansour is a lawyer and and former president of the Zamalek sporting club; he's known for being a belligerent, ridiculous bully. In the past, he's spent lots of time filing lawsuits against people like Ahmed Shobeir (a soccer TV commentator) and attacking them in the press. More recently, he spent time in jail for his role attacking protestors in Tahrir Square during the "Battle of the Camel." He then announced his intention to run for president.

ساق - يسوق الهبل على الشيطنة (saa' - yisuu' il-habl 3ala š-šayTana)
To play the fool in order to cover up a trick you're playing on someone else, or anything bad you're doing.
طلعت اللى بتكلمنى بنت صعيدية وكانت عايزة وحدة اسمها بهية. فانا بقى وبصراحة سوقت الهبل على الشيطنة وقلت لها ان انا بهية وده علما طبعا بان انا كنت بتكلم بنفس لهجتها
(Til3it illi bitkallimni bint Sa3iidiyya wa-kaanit 3ayza waHda ismaha baheyya. fana ba'a wabSraaHa so't il-habl 3ala š-šayTana wa'oltilha inn-ana baheyya wa da 3elman Tab3an ba'inn ana kunte batkallim bi-nafs lahgitha)
It turned out that the person talking to me was an upper Egyptian girl, and she wanted [to talk to] someone named Baheyya. So, frankly, I played the fool as a joke on her and told her I was Baheyya, knowing full well that I was speaking in the same accent [as her].

فركة كعب (farkit ka3b)
Just a short distance away.
يا عم طنطا بينك وبينها فركه كعب بس احنا بنختار اللي يناسب الكل
(ya 3amm, TanTa beinak wa-benha farkit ka3b bass, eHna binixtaar illi ynaasib il-kull)
Tanta's just a short distance away from you [lit. between you and Tanta is a short distance], we're choosing [a location] that suits everyone.

زي ورقة البوسطة (zayye wara'et il-posTa)
Something guaranteed. Lit. like a stamp.

حفر - يحفر قبره بايديه (Hafar - yiHfur 'abru bi'iideih)
To dig your own grave.
وبعدين لو الناس اللى فى الميدان روحوا صدقينى همه كدة بيحفروا قبرهم بايديهم، لان الامن المركزى هيلمهم ويوديهم ورا الشمس
(wa-ba3dein law in-naas illi fil-midaan rawwaHu, sadda'iini, homma kida biyiHforu 'obrohom bi-iideihom, li'ann il-amn il-markazi haylimmohom wa-ywaddiihom wara š-šams)
Plus, if the people in the square* went home, believe me, they'd be digging their own graves, because Central Security would gather them up and lock them away where no one'd ever see them again [lit. "behind the sun"].
* Referring to the protestors in Tahrir Square during the Jan. 25 revolution.

بيزنطي (bizanTi)
Futile, pointless. Lit. Byzantine.
ما تدخلش في مهاترات تضيع وقتك، وما تدخلش في مناقشات بيزنطية
(matodxolše fi muhatraat tiDayya3 wa'tak, wa-matodxolše fi muna'šaat biiZantiyya)
Don't get into a war of words that'll waste your time, and don't get into pointless discussions.

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