Modals in standard and Egyptian Arabic

Modals in standard Arabic

In English, modal verbs include "can," "may," "might," "must," "should," and "would" — verbs that are not conjugated or negated in the same way as regular verbs. Standard Arabic doesn't have exact equivalents of these verbs, but it has words that are used in much the same way — including phrases beginning with من الـ. Here's a list (all of these are followed by imperfect-mood verbs, although if you remove the أن, you can follow them with a مصدر):

يجب أن (yajib an)must, should
على هـ أن (3ala + object + an)must
من اللازم أن (min al-laazim an)have to, it is necessary to
من الواجب أن (min al-waajib an)it is necessary to
من الضروري أن (min aD-Daruuri an)it is necessary to
ينبغي أن (yanbaġi an)should
من المفروض أن (min al-mafruuD an)should
من المفترض أن (min al-muftaraD an)should, ought to
يمكن أن (yumkin an)might, may
من الممكن أن (min al-mumkin an)it is possible to
من المستحيل أن (min al-mustaHiil an)it is impossible to
من المتوقع أن (min al-mutawaqqa3 an)it is expected that
من المنتظر أن (min al-muntaZar an)it is expected that
من السهل أن (min as-sahl an)it is easy to
من اليسير أن (min al-yasiir an)it is easy to
من الصعب أن (min aS-Sa3b an)it is hard to
من الجدير بالذكر أن (min al-jadiir bid-dikr anna)it's worth mentioning that
من الثابت أن (min at-taabit anna)it's well-established that
من المعروف أن (min al-ma3ruuf anna)it's (well-)known that
من الواضح أن (min al-waaDiH anna)it's clear that
من المفهوم أن (min al-mafhuum anna)it's understood that
من المرجع أن (min al-murajja3 an)it's most likely that
من المحتمل أن (min al-muHtamal an)it's probable that
من المقرر أن (min al-muqarrar an)it's been decided that
من المتفق عليه أن (min al-muttafaq 3aleihi an)it's been agreed that
من المعتاد أن (min al-mu3taad an)it's customary to
من المستحسن أن (min al-mustaHsan an)it's preferable that
من الأحسن أن (min al-aHsan an)it's better that
من الأجدر أن (min al-ajdar an)it's more suitable/proper to
من الطبيعي أن (min aT-Tabii3ii an)it's natural that
من الممنوع أن (min al-mamnuu3 an)it's forbidden to
من المسموح أن (min al-masmuuH an)it's permitted to

To shift to the past, add كان (kaan) before the phrase. To shift to the future, add سيكون (sayakuun) beforehand. For negation, add ليس (laysa) before it.

هل يجب مناقشة قضايا مثل الكارثة الإنسانية في بورما في مجلس الأمن؟ (hal yajib munaaqašat qaDaaya mitl al-kaarita l-insaaniyya fii burma fii majlis al-amn?)
Should issues like the humanitarian disaster in Burma be discussed in the Security Council?

فيلم ايراني عن "اغتيال السادات" من المتوقع أن يثير غضب المصريين (fiilm iiraani 3an iġtiyaal as-saadaat min al-mutawaqqa3 an yatiir ġaDab al-miSriyyiin)
An Iranian movie about Sadat's assassination is expected to anger Egyptians (lit. excite Egyptians' anger).

هذه المشكلة من الممكن أن تتحول إلى ظاهرة في المستقبل اذا لم توضع لها حلول مناسبة وجذرية (haadihi l-muškila min al-mumkin an tataHawwil ila Zaahira ida lam tuwDi3 liha Huluul munaasiba wa-jidriyya)
This problem may turn into a phenomenon if appropriate and radical solutions for it are not found.

من الطبيعي ان يفرح المواطن، اي مواطن، لدى رؤيته جيشاً غريباً ينسحب من ارضه (min aT-Tabii3i an yafraH al-muwaaTin, ayya muwaaTin, laday ru'yatu jeišan ġariiban yansaHib min arDu)
It's natural for a citizen, any citizen, to rejoice at the sight of a foreign army withdrawing from his land.

إذا لم نستطع تجاوز الانقسامات داخل المجتمع الفلسطيني فسيكون من الصعب جدا تحقيق تقدم في موضوعي غزة وعملية السلام في الوقت نفسه (ida lam nastaTi3 tajaawuz al-inqisaamaat daaxil al-mujtama3 al-filasTiini fa-sayakuun min aS-Sa3b jiddan taHqiiq taqaddum fi mawDuu3eiyy ġazza wa-3amaliyyat as-salaam fil-waqt nafsu)
If we can't overcome the divisions within Palestinian society, then it will be very difficult to achieve progress in the issues of Gaza and the peace process at the same time.

Modals in Egyptian Arabic

Egyptian Arabic uses many of the same modals listed above, but without the من الـ...أن. Usually they are followed by an imperfect-tense verb.

لازم (laazim)must, have to
ضروري (Daruuri)must
المفروض (il-mafruuD)should
ممكن (mumkin)can, it's possible
مستحيل (mustaHiil)it's impossible
يمكن (yemkin)perhaps
جايز (gaayiz)may, it is possible that
سهل (sahl)it's easy to
صعب (Sa3b)it's hard to
ممنوع (mamnuu3)it's forbidden to
مسموح (masmuuH)it's permitted to

There are also modals that are active participles. Remember that all active participles act as adjectives, and thus have masculine, feminine, and plural forms.

عايز - عايزة - عايزين (3aayiz - 3ayza - 3ayziin)want to
ناوي - ناوية - ناويين (naawi - nawya - nawyiin)intending to
قاعد - قاعدة - قاعدين ('aa3id - 'a3da - 'a3diin)continuing to
عمال - عمالة - عمالين (3ammaal - 3ammaala - 3ammaliin)continuing to

There are also modals that you attach a pronoun suffix to:

نفس (nifs-)to feel like
قصد ('aSd-)to mean to
زمان (zamaan-)must have - indicates something happening at the proper or expected time
تن (tann-)continuing to
يا ريت (ya reit - suffix optional)wish

Again, to shift to the past, add كان (kaan) before the phrase. To shift to the future, add هيكون (haykuun) beforehand. For negation, add مش (miš) before it.


كان لازم تفكر في الموضوع قبل ما تاخد قرار (kaan laazim tifakkar fel-mawDuu3 'abl ma taaxod qaraar)
You should've thought about it before you made a decision.

المفروض اننا كلنا نقضي وقت كويس (il-mafruuD innena kollena ni'Di wa't kwayyis)
We should all spend our time well.

ماكانش قصدي أدايقك (makanš 'aSdi adaayi'ak)
I didn't mean to annoy you.

يا ريتني مافتحت صدري واتكلمت بقلب جامد (ya reitni mafataHt sidri witkallemt bi-'alb gaamid)
I wish I hadn't talked so openly and bravely.

زمانها جاية (zamanha gayya)
She ought to be coming (soon now).

زمانك جعت (zamaanak gu3t)
You must be hungry by now.

كان زمان كل حاجة خلصت لو كنتي ساعدتيني (kaan zamaan kulle Haaga xilSit law kunti sa3idtiini)
Everything would've been finished by now if you'd helped me.

نفسي أسافر لبنان (nifsi asaafir libnaan)
I'd like to travel to Lebanon.

ناوية أصحي بدري (nawya aSHa badri)
I intend to get up early.

البلاوي عمالة تتحدف علينا (il-balaawi 3ammaala titHaddif 3aleina)
Troubles keep on befalling us.

العربية الكحيانة دي عمالة تكح في وسط الشارع (il-3arabiyya l-kaHyaana di 3ammaala tkoHH fi wesT iš-šaari3)
This beat-up old car keeps coughing in the middle of the street.

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