Colloquial Egyptian Arabic expressions

جهبز (gahbaz)
Someone who knows a lot about a field; an expert or authority.
حسني مبارك راجل مش هايتعوض تاني ومفيش زيه لانه راجل جهبز وزكي
(Hosni Mbaarak raagil miš hayit3awwaD taani, wa-mafiiš zayyu li'annu raagil gahbaz wa-zaki.)
Hosni Mubarak is a man who can't be replaced. There's no one like him, because he's an expert, smart man.

استعرض - يستعرض عضلاته (ista3raD - yista3raD 3aDalaatu)
To try and show off how great you are. Lit. to flex one's muscles.
وطبعا كل شاب عايز يستعرض عضلاته قدام البنات فجأة طلعت فى دماغ أحمد انه يستعرض فدخل البحر وقعد يعوم ..... يعوم لغاية ملقى نفسه فى عرض البحر لوحده وبيغرق ومحدش جنبه
(wa-Tab3an kulle šaabb 3aayiz yista3raD 3aDalaatu 'oddaam il-banaat. fag'atan Til3it fi dmaaġ aHmad innu yista3raD fa-daxal il-baHr wa-'a3ad yi3uum...yi3uum li-ġaayit ma la'a nafsu fi 3arD il-baHr li-waHdu wa-biyiġra' wa-maHaddiš gambu.)
Of course, every guy wants to show off in front of girls. [So] suddenly Ahmed got the idea to show off, so he went into the ocean to swim and swim...until he found himself on the open sea by himself, drowning with nobody near him.

لفت - يلفت نظر (lafat - yilfit naZar)
To draw someone's attention. A lafte naZar is a warning, issued by someone's boss, that they need to shape up or there will be consequences.
اكتر حاجه لفتت نظري انه رغم التحديات الصعبه الي في حياه الطفل ده الا انه علي وشه ابتسامه غير عاديه ابتسامته لوحدها تدي الابتسامه لاي شخص محتاجها يكون قدامه
(aktar Haaga lafatit naZari innu raġm it-taHaddiyyaat iS-Sa3ba lli fi Hyaat iT-Tifl da illa innu 3ala wiššu ibtisaama ġeir 3aadiyya, ibtisamtu li-waHdaha tiddi l-ibtisaama li'ayya šaxS meHtagha yikuun 'oddaamu.)
The thing that really grabbed my attention was how despite the tough challenges in this kid's life, he still has an unusual smile on his face. Just his smile puts a smile on the face of anyone in front of him who needs a smile.

المدير لو اتأخر عن ميعاد الشغل ساعتين يبقى كان فى اجتماع مهم. ولو اتأخرت خمس دقايق ابقى كنت بتسنكح فى الشوارع واخد لفت نظر.
(il-mudiir law it'axxar min mi3aad iš-šoġl sa3atein, yib'a kaan fi igtimaa3 muhimm. wa-law it'axxart xamas da'aayi', ab'a kunt batsankaH fiš-šawaari3 w'aaxod lafte naZar.)
If my boss is two hours late to work, then he was "in an important meeting." And if I'm five minutes late, that means I was loafing around in the streets and I get a warning.

أصلا (aSlan)
Lit. "originally." It can also mean "basically/fundamentally" or "to begin with."
انا ليه مصرية اصلا مش بحب مصر و مش عايزة اكون مصرية و شكلى مش مصرى و تفكيرى مش مصرى ليه اعيش هنا
(ana leih maSriyya aSlan miš baHebbe maSr wa-miš 3ayza akuun maSriyya wa-šakli miš maSri wa-tafkiiri miš maSri, leih a3iiš hina?)
Why am I Egyptian to begin with? I don't love Egypt, I don't want to be Egyptian, I don't look Egyptian, I don't think like an Egyptian, why do I live here?

انا عمرى ماباخد اميلات بنات واضيفها عندى على الياهو ابدا لإنى اصلا مبحاولش اعرف بنات ف الحقيقى أو عالنت
(ana 3omri mabaaxod emeilaat banaat wa'aDifha 3andi 3al-yaahuu abadan, li'anni aSlan mabaHaawilš a3raf banaat fil-Ha'ii'i aw 3al-net.)
I never get girls' email addresses and add them on Yahoo, because I don't try to get to know girls in real life or on the net to begin with.

مفيش حاجه من اللى بيقولها حصلت اصلاً
(mafiiš Haaga min illi bi'olha HaSalit aSlan)
None of what he says ever happened to begin with.

خالد دة مفيش منه رجا عشان هو ضميره مش نضيف اصلا
(xaalid da mafiiš minnu raga 3ašaan howwa Damiiru miš naDiif aSlan)
There's no hope for that Khaled, because he's got a fundamentally unclean conscience.

و ثاني شئ اسواق الامارات كبيرة و منتجاتها من انحاء العالم ومن مصر كما ن فايه الدليل انو هي البضاعة مش طالعة من مصر اصلا فالامارات ما بتصنعش شباشب فمحدش يعرف مصدرها اصلا
(wa-taani šei' aswaa' il-imaraat kibiira wa-montagatha min anHaa' il-3aalam wa-min maSr kamaan, fa'eih id-daliil innu heyya l-biDaa3a miš Tal3a min maSr aSlan, fal-imaraat mabitiSna3š šabaašib, fa maHaddiš yi3raf maSdarha aSlan.)
[Re. a story about slippers with the Egyptian flag on them that were being sold in the Emirates] Second, the Emirati markets are big, and their products are from all over the world, and also from Egypt, so what's the proof that the goods aren't originally from Egypt? The Emirates don't manufacture slippers, so no one knows where they're originally from [lit. their original source].

في نص هدومه (fi noSSe huduumu)
Extremely embarassed. Lit. to be in half your clothes, i.e. to want to shrink down and hide so your body is only covered by half your clothes.
انتى عارفه انا بكون فى نص هدومى من الكسوف وبقول يارب اليوم يعدى بقى وبحس انى اتخرست ومش عارفه اتكلم خالص ولا بنص كلمه
(inti 3arfa ana bakuun fi noSSe huduumi min il-kusuuf wa-ba'uul ya rabb il-yoom yi3addi ba'a wa-baHess inni itxarast wa-miš 3arfa atkallim xaaliS wala bi-noSSe kelma)
You know I (always) get so embarassed and hope the day ends (as soon as possible), and feel that I've been struck dumb and can't say even half a word.

يا مساهل (ya mosaahil)
A plea to God to make things easier, like "God help me."
فاضل مادة واحدة...يا مساهل يا رب
(faaDil madda waHda...ya mosaahil ya rabb)
[In the context of exams] One subject left...God help me!

يا مساهل ان شاء الله للاهلى...يارب يارب
(ya mosaahil in šaa' allaah lil-ahli...ya rabb ya rabb)
[In the context of a soccer game] God help Ahli to win, please, please.

زغلول (ج) زغاليل (zaġluul [pl.] zaġaliil)
Someone young; "just a kid." Lit. a young bird.
ارجع معايا بذاكرتك (لو لسا فاضل عندك ذاكرة) لقبل الكلية وانت زغلول صغير (او صغيرة) في ثانوية عمال يوم ما طلعت النتيجة ولقيت نفسك جايب (جايبة) 99.5% والزغاريت اشتغلت...الواد هيدخل كلية الطب (ولا كأنك فتحت عكة)
(irga3 ma3aaya bi-zakritak [law lissa faaDil 3andak zakra] li'abl il-kolliyya, winta zaġluul Soġayyar [aw Soġayyara] fi sanawiyya 3ommaal yoom ma Tala3it in-natiiga wa-la'eit nafsak gaayeb [gayba] tis3a wa-tis3iin wa-noSS [or: wa-xamsa min 3ašar] fil-meyya wiz-zaġariit ištaġ hayidxol kolliyyit Tibb [wala ka'innak fataHt 3akka])
Go back in your memory (if you still have one) with me to before college, when you were just a kid (or girl) in high school, when the [college entrance exam] results came out and you found you were in the 99.5% percentile, and the trills of joy* started..."The boy'll go to medical school!" (it's not like you had conquered Acre).**

* زغاريت (singular زغروتة zaġruuta) are the trills of joy Arab women make at joyful occassions like weddings.
** A city in Israel that was much fought over during the Crusades. Conquering it, then, would be a big achievement.

يا ارض اتهدي ما عليكي قدي (ya arD ithaddi, ma 3aleiki 'addi)
"Calm down, earth; no one here is as great as I am." Used to describe someone who's full of themselves.
This example continues from the previous:
ارجع معايا ليوم ما البسطجي جاب لك جواب التنسيق ووقف قدامك وهو مستني النتيجة اكتر منك وانت عارف ليه طبعا، وبعد ما فتحت الجواب لقيتها مكتوبة...كلية طب جامعة الاسندرية...طبعا رحت نافح البسطجي بريزة بحالها نادمة عليها طبعا دلوقتي (البريزة وعشر جنية) راح البسطجي مغني لها هالالويا...وطبعا بقيت سعادتك ماشي في شارع يا ارض اتهدي ما عليكي قدي وفاكر الناس كلهم بيبصوا لك ولا كأنك مجدي يعقوب...ودخلت طب...وطولت الايام والسنين...ويا ترى حاسس بايه دلوقتي!
(irga3 ma3aaya li-yoom ma l-bosTagi gablak gawaab it-tansii' wa-wa'af 'oddaamak wa-howwa mistannni n-natiiga aktar minnak winta 3aarif leih Tab3an, wa-ba3de ma fataHt il-gawaab la'eitha maktuuba...kolliyyit Tibb gam3it il-iskandariyya...Tab3an roHt laafiH il-bosTagi bariiza bi-Halha nadma 3aleiha Tab3an dilwa'ti [il-bariiza wa-3ašar gineih] raaH il-bosTagi miġanniilha halaluya...wa-Tab3an ba'eit sa3adtak maaši fiš-šaari3 ya arD ithaddi ma 3aleiki 'addi, wa-faakir in-naas kulluhum biboSSuulak wala ka'innak magdi ya3'uub...wa-daxalt Tibb...wa-Tawwalit il-ayyaam wis-siniin...wa-ya tara Haasis bi-eih dilwa'ti!)
Go back with me to the day the postman brought you the placement letter1 and stood in front of you, waiting for the result more than you were, and you knew why, of course. And after you opened the letter, you found written "College of Medicine at the University of Alexandria"...of course, you gave2 the postman [a tip of] ten pounds3, and of course you regret that ten pounds now. The postman went off singing Hallelujah. And of course you, sir, started walking in the street like there was no one greater than you, thinking all the people were looking at you as if you were Magdi Yacoub. And you entered medical school, and the days and years dragged on...and I wonder what you feel now!

1 This is the letter from مكتب التنسيق (maktab it-tansii'), the student placement office that allocates students' university placements according to their scores on the ثانوية عامة sanawiyya 3amma (college entrance exam).
2 لفح is a very slangy way to say "to give." ادّى is much more commonly used.
3 Note that بريزة (bariiza) is slang for ten pounds; it used to be slang for ten piasters, but as time went on the meaning changed. There are some other slang ways to refer to amounts of money, like ارنب (arnab, literally "rabbit") for a million pounds and فيل (fiil, literally "elephant") for a billion.

انا مرة كنت مسافر القاهرة واول مرة اجرب اركب المترو بس كنت مظبط بقى وماشى بقول يا ارض اتهدى ما عليكى قدى وركبت المترو ولاقيت العربية كلها ستتات استغربت وقولت دا انا بختى عالى قوى ولا الرجالة الى ماتت ولاقيت واحدة بتقولى يا استاذ دى عربية الحريم ههههه عملت نفسى مش واخد بالى وطلعت الموبايل عملت كانى بتكلم فية ونزلت منة بسرعة
(ana marra kunte msaafir il-qaahira wa-awwil marra agarrab arkib il-metro basse kunte mZabbaT ba'a we-maaši ba'uul ya arD ithaddi ma 3aleiki 'addi, wa-rikibt il-metro wa-la'eit il-3arabiyya kullaha sittaat, istaġrabt wa'olt dana baxti 3aali 'awi wala r-riggaala illi maatit, wa la'eit waHda bit'olli ya ustaaz di 3arabiyyit il-Hariim, hahahahaha, 3amalt nafsi miš waaxid baali wa-Talla3t il-mobaayil 3amalt ka'anni batkallim fiih wa-nizilt minnu bisur3a)
Once I went to Cairo, and it was my first time to ride the Metro, but I was all set to go, walking along thinking I was so great, and I rode the metro and found a car that was all women. I was taken aback and thought, 'Either I'm really lucky, or all the men died!' I found a woman who told me, "Mister, this is the women's car.*" Hahaha, I acted like I wasn't paying attention, got out my phone and acted like I was talking on it, and left the car fast.
* In the Cairo metro, each train has a few cars that are for women only.

كأنك يا ابو زيد ماغزيت (ka'annak yaabu zeid maġazeit)
Used to describe a situation in which nothing has changed, or something that undoes all your efforts to change something, as if you had never done anything. Lit. As if you hadn't invaded, Abu Zeid.
يعني كانك يا ابو زيد ماغزيت نفس السياسة الوسخة القديمة
(ya3ni ka'annak yaabu zeid maġazeit, nafs is-siyaasa l-wisxa l-'adiima)
So it's like we never accomplished anything — the same old dirty politics.

فيه حاجة مهمة جدا عايزة اوضحها - علشان اغير الكبار لازم اكون صلحت اللى بعدهم لكن حاغير الكبار بناس زيهم يبقى كأنك يا ابو زيد ماغزيت
(fii Haaga mohimma giddan 3ayza awaDDaHha. 3alašaan aġayyar ik-kobaar laazim akuun SallaHt illi ba3dohom, laakin haġayyar ik-kobaar bi-naas zayyohom yib'a ka'annak yaabu zeid maġazeit)
There's something very important I want to clarify. In order to change the people in charge, we have to fix the ones who come after them, but if we exchange the people in charge with people like them, all we did will have gone for naught.

نايم زي الفسيخة (naayim zayy il-fasiixa)
Sleeping like a log. Lit. sleeping like a type of fish pickled with salt that's eaten during the Egyptian holiday of Shamm el-Nesim.
أنا بقى يا مي باكره الحبوب المنومة لأنها بتخليني أنام زي الفسيخة.
(ana ba'a ya Mayy bakrah il-Hubuub il-minawwima li'annaha bitxalliini anaam zayy il-fasiixa)
May, I hate sleeping pills because they make me sleep like a log.

عمل - يعمل من الفسيخ شربات (3amal - yi3mel min il-fasiix šarbaat)
To make a silk purse out of a sow's ear; turn a situation around for the better. Lit. to make a sweet-flavored syrup drink from salted fish.
بالفعل المكان دا زي ما بيقولوا عملوا من الفسيخ شربات، لانة كان عبارة عن مقلب الزبالة
(bil-fi3l il-makaan da zayye ma biy'uulu 3amalu min il-fasiix šarbaat, li'annu kaan 3ibaara 3an ma'lab iz-zibaala)
This place [Al-Azhar park] really has been turned around, because it used to be like a garbage dump.

بجد عشمتنا فى موسم كنا فيه ضايعين بكل حاجه و عملت من الفسيخ شربات
(bigadd 3aššemtina fi muusim kunna fiih Day3iin bi-kulle Haaga wa-3amalt min il-fasiix šarbaat)
You really gave us hope in a season when we were losing everything [re. soccer games], and you turned things around for the better.

عبارة عن (3ibaara 3an)
Something like... Merely something similar to... Tantamount to...
دا حتى الفينو غلى والعيش ابو ربع جنيه الرغيف بقى عباره عن ورقه سيجاره الواحد عاوز رغفين علشان يحس بالشبع
(da Hatta l-fiinu ġili wil-3eiš abu rob3 gineih, ir-raġiif ba'a 3ibaara 3an war'it sigaara, l-waaHid 3aawiz riġifein 3alašaan yiHess biš-šaba3)
Even white bread has gotten expensive, and [regular] bread costs four pounds; a loaf has gotten [as thin as] a cigarette paper. You need two loaves to feel full.

هم في وادي واحنا في وادي (تاني) (homma fi waadi weHna fi waadi [tani])
We're not on the same wavelength, we're not communicating. Lit. they're in a valley and we're in a(nother) valley.
بلاش تاخد رأى أعضاء البرلمان المزورين _ الناس دى والله ما يعرفو عنا حاجه ، والله ما بشوفهم الا من بعيد ، الناس دى فى وادى واحنا فى وادى
(balaaš taaxod ra'i a3Daa' il-barlamaan il-mizawwiriin. in-naas di wallaahi mayi3rafu 3anna Haaga, wallaahi mabašuufhum illa min ba3iid, in-naas di fi waadi weHna fi waadi.)
Don't get the opinion of the rigged parliament members. I swear, those people don't know a thing about us, andwe only see them from a distance. We're just not on the same wavelength.

هم في وادي واحنا في وادي (تاني) (Tili3 minha zayy iš-ša3ra min il-3agiin)
He got away with it, wriggled out of punishment cleverly (in the context of a crime). Lit. to emerge from it like a hair from dough.
مش برده الأخ خميس ده اللي دفع رشاوي للقضاة وطلع منها زي الشعرة من العجين ولا انا غلطان؟
(miš bardo l-axx xamiis da lli dafa3 rašaawi lil-qaDaah wa-Tili3 minha zayy iš-ša3ra min il-3agiin, wallana ġalTaan?)
Isn't that guy (Mohamed Farid) Khamis the one who paid bribes to judges and got away with it, or am I wrong?

جاب - يجيب الديب من ديله (gaab - yigiib id-diib min deilu)
To solve a huge or impossible problem. Lit. to grab a wolf by the tail. Used sarcastically or in a deprecatory manner, like "there's no way anyone could accomplish that; you can't do something that impressive." If someone bragged to you about meeting a celebrity or something like that, you might sarcastically say that he جاب الديب من ديله to mean that he was exaggerating.
انا عندي مشكلة كبيرة من كام يوم لقيت صرصار ف المطبخ ,,, جريت جبت اكبر شبشب و اديته فوق دماغه و رحت غسلت ايدي و انا فرحانة بنفسي و حاسة اني جبت الديب من ديله ,,, يومين كدة لقيت واحد تاني
(ana 3andi muškila kbiira min kaam yoom la'eit SurSaar fil-maTbax. gareit gibt akbar šibšib widdeitu foo' dimaaġu wa-roHt ġisilt iidi wana farHaana bi-nafsi wa-Hassa inni gibt id-diib min deilu...yomein kida la'eit waaHed tani!)
I've got a big problem; a few days ago I found a cockroach in the kitchen. I ran and got the biggest slipper [I could find] and hit it, went and washed my hands, feeling happy with myself and feeling that I'd solved the problem...Two days later, I found another one!

حضرتك ابوك صرف عليك دم قلبة وانت اجتهدت فى المذاكرة وطلع عينك مشفتش يوم حلوا طول دراستك...بس فى الاخر اجتهدت وربنا كرمك واتخرجت فاكر انك جبت الديب من ديلة اتصدمت بالواقع واكتشفت ان الديب مالوش ديل ملقتش وظيفة ولو فية المرتب يادوب يكفيك سندوتشين وعلبة سجاير كوكوالضعيف
(HaDritak abuuk Saraf 3aleik damme 'albu winta gtahadt fil-muzakra wa-Talla3 3einak, mašoftesh yoom Helw Tuul dirastak...basse fil-aaxir igtahadt wa-rabbina karamak witxarragt faakir innak gibt id-diib min deilu. itSadamt bil-waaqi3 wiktašaft inn id-diib maluuš deil. mal'etš waZiifa wa-law kaan fiih, il-mirattab yadoob yikfiik sandwitšein wa-3elbit sagaayir koko iD-Da3iif)
Your dad spent his heart's blood on you, and you worked hard studying, and he gave you a hard time and you didn't see one nice day all through your studies...but in the end you worked hard, and you were fortunate enough to graduate, thinking you'd managed to grab the wolf by its tail. And you ran into reality and discovered that the wolf had no tail. You couldn't find a job, and if you did, the salary was barely enough for a couple sandwiches and a pack of weak "Koko" (nickname for the Cleopatra brand) cigarettes.

فلسع - يفلسع (فلسعة) (falsa3 - yifalsa3 [falsa3a])
To go away, beat it.
والبت اللى قعدت ترسم عليها يابنتى انا ممكن اتجوزيك فى اربعة وعشرين ساعة بس اعمل اية بابى حالف ميجوزنى الا لما اخد الشهادة علشان يمسكنى الشركة اكتشفت حقيقتك وفلسعتك .
(wil-bitt illi 'a3adt tirsim 3aleiha "ya binti, ana mumkin atgawwiziik fi arba3a wa3ešriin saa3a basse a3mel eih, baabi Haalif migawwizni illa lamma aaxod iš-šahaada 3alašaan yimassikni š-šerka," iktašafit Ha'ii'tak wa-falsa3itak.)
And the girl you'd been interested in, [telling her] "I'd marry you in 24 hours, but what can I do? My dad is insisting that I can't marry until I get my degree, so he can put me in charge of the company"...she discovered the truth and got out of there.

جنازة ويشبع فيها لطم (ganaaza wa-yišba3 fiiha laTm)
Describes someone who looks for other people's troubles to enjoy talking about them. Literally describes someone at a funeral procession who "gets full" on لطم. The verb لطمت - تلطم على وشها\خدودها (laTamit - tulTum 3ala wiššaha/xududha) is used to describe women at funeral processions in rural or poor areas who slap their faces in grief.
الراجل ده مجنــون عاوز جنازة ويشبع فيها لطم يموت في المصائب علشان كده دايما يظهر لما يكون فيه مصيبة ربنا يكرمه علي اد نيتة قادر ياكريم.
(ir-raagil da magnuun 3aawiz ganaaza wa-yišba3 fiiha laTm, yimuut fil-maSaayib, 3alašaan kida, dayman yiZhar lamma ykuun fiih muSiiba. rabbina yikrimu 3ala 'adde nayyitu 'aadir ya kariim.)
That man (Mortada Mansour) is insane; he wants to dig up tragedies to go on and on about them. He loves disasters, so he always shows up when there's a disaster. May God be generous with him according to his intentions (i.e. he'll get what he deserves).

الراجل ده عامل زي نسوان المصاطب..عاوز جنازه ويشبع فيها لطم..وبيهيص في الهيصه
(ir-raagil da 3aamil zayye niswaan il-maSaaTib. 3aawiz ganaaza wa-yišba3 fiiha laTm. wa-biyhayyaS fil-heiSa.)
That man is acting like a gossipy woman.* He's looking for a problem to make a fuss about; he just makes a big commotion [about it].
* مصطبة (ج) مصاطب (maSTaba [pl.] maSaaTib) is a bench of mud or brick that sits outside people's houses in rural areas. Here the idea is that women sit on these benches gossiping with each other.

شيلني واشيلك (šayyilni wašayyilak)
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Lit. Help me carry and I'll help you carry.
بس انا بقول ان الوزير اليى يفكر بالعقليه دى بعد الثوره لازم يروح فوراً. نظام شيلنى واشيلك ده خلاص المفروض ينتهى والمفروض يكون فيه قانون بيطبق على الكل.
(bass ana ba'uul inn il-waziir illi yfakkar bil-3a'liyya di ba3d is-sawra laazim yiruuH fawran. niZaam šayyilni wašayyilak da xalaaS, il-mafruuD yintihi wil-mafruuD yikuun fiih qanuun biTabba' 3al-kull.)
But I say any cabinet member who thinks with this mentality after the revolution has to go, right away. Enough of that system of "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"; it should end, and there should be a law applied to everyone.

مشي - يمشي جنب الحيط (miši - yimši gamb il-HeiT)
To behave in a self-effacing way, keep out of trouble, not make waves. Lit. to walk beside the wall.
الحرية الوحيدة أنك تخليك فى حالك وتمشى جنب الحيط
(il-Horriyya l-waHiida innak tixalliik fi Haalak wa-timši gamb il-HeiT)
The only freedom [here] is for you to mind your own business and stay out of trouble.

احنا اتربينا فى بيئة امشى جنب الحيط علشان تعيش.. وده اتزرع فينا من صغرنا .. مع ان اصلا الدنيا ملهاش حيط احنا اللى بنبنيه ونضيق على نفسنا
(eHna trabbeina fi bii'it imši gamb il-HeiT 3alašaan ti3iiš, wa da itzara3 fiina min Suġrina, ma3a inn id-donia malhaaš HeiT, eHna lli binibniih windayya' 3ala nafsina.)
We were raised in an environment of playing it safe or keeping next to the wall in order to live, and that [attitude] was implanted in us from our youth, although the world has no wall; we're the ones who build it and limit ourselves.

طفّش - يطفّش (تطفيش) (Taffiš - yiTaffiš [taTfiiš])
To drive away, scare off.
ازاي تطفشي عريس انت مش عايزاه.. واهلك عايزينه ؟!!!
(izzayy tiTaffiši 3ariis inti miš 3ayzaah, wa'ahlik 3ayziinu?)
How do you drive away a (potential) groom you don't want, (but) your family does?

ماتقلبش عليا المواجع (mat'allibš 3alaya l-mawaagi3)
Don't rub salt in my wounds; don't make me feel even worse than I already do.
بس ياخويا ماتكلمني في الموضوع ده احسن انا مش هعرف امسك دموعي ماتقلبش عليا المواجع بقي يالا حد يقب بمنديل بقي احسن
(bass yaxuuya, matkallimni fil-mawDuu3 da aHsan, ana miš ha3raf amsik dumuu3i, mat'allibš 3alaya l-mawaagi3 ba'a, yalla Hadd yi'ibbe bi-mindiil ba'a aHsan.)
Enough, man, it'd be better if you don't talk to me about this topic. I won't be able to hold back my tears! Don't rub salt in my wounds. Come on, someone dig up a tissue [for me].

سيّبت مفاصلي (sayyibt mafaSli)
You scared me to death! Lit. You made me lose (control over) my joints; i.e. my legs are shaking from fright.
الله يخرب بيتك ، سيبت مفاصلي و وقعت قلبي في رجليا و كنت هاتموتني مرعوب
(allaah yixrib beitak, sayyibt mafaSli wa-wa''a3te 'albi fi rigleiya, wa-kunte hatmawwitni mar3uub)
Damnit!* You scared me half to death, you really gave me a fright.** You almost killed me from terror.

* Lit. May God destroy your house.
** Lit. You made my heart fall to my feet.

أديك قلتها بعظمة لسانك (addiik 'oltaha bi-3aDmit lisaanak)
Exactly; you can say that again! Used to express agreement with something someone's just said. Lit. You said it with the bone of your tongue.
ومفيش تغيير من غير تمن.. إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بأنفسهم.. - أديك قلتها بعظمة لسانك ، نغير ما بأنفسنا الأول!
(wa-mafiiš taġyiir min ġeir taman. inna allaaha la yuġayyiru ma bi-qawmin Hatta yuġayyiru ma bi'anfusihim. - addiik 'oltaha bi-3aDmit lisaanak, niġayyar ma bi'anfusina l-awwal.)
And change can't happen without a price to be paid. "God doesn't change the condition of people until they change it themselves." - [Response:] That's right! We have to change ourselves first.

أديك قلتها بعظمة لسانك (HuTTe f-baTnak baTTiixa Seifi)
An expression of reassurance: Don't worry about a thing; everything will be fine. Lit. Put a summer melon in your belly.
ماتقلقش علي الشرقيه نام و حط في بطنك بطيخه صيفي و كلام محمود ما ينزلش الارض ابدا!
(mati'la'še 3aš-šar'iyya, nam wa-HuTTe f-baTnak baTTiixa Seifi, wa-kalaam maHmuud mayinzilš il-arD abadan.)
Don't worry about Sharqiyya, go to sleep and rest assured, everything will be ok. What Mahmoud said [will happen] won't ever actually happen!

مزيكة حسب الله (mazziikit Hasaballa)
A derisive reference to bad music. A فرقة حسب الله is a "brass band of old men and even older instruments such as is often hired to play at peasant weddings etc."
آه يا راسي، دماغي فيها مزيكة حسب الله
(aah ya dmaaġi, raasi fiiha mazziikit Hasaballa.)
Oh, my head! My head is pounding. [More literally] My head is full of a horrible racket.

صبر ايوب (Sabr ayyuub)
The patience of Job. Used like the English expression; if someone is very patient, you can tell them, عندك صبر ايوب.
ايه رأيك في الاشكال دي؟؟؟ اللى بيعملوها دول عندهم صبر ايوب يا بنتي...انا لو مكانهم هاهد الاشكال دي مع اول حاجة مش تعجبنى...
(eih ra'yik fil-aškaal [3ala r-rimaal] di? illi byi3meluuha dool 3andohom Sabr ayyuub ya binti. ana law makanhom hahidd il-aškaal di ma3 awwil Haaga miš ti3gibni.)
What do you think of these [sand castles]? The people who did them have the patience of Job. If I were in their place, I'd tear them down as soon as I messed up [lit. with the first thing I didn't like].

ايده سايبة (iidu sayba)
This expression has two possible meanings: (1) that someone is extravagant, like ايده مخرومة (iidu maxruuma), or (2) that someone is clumsy and drops things a lot, like "butterfingers."
اوعى تبعزقهم ، ما انا عارفاك ايدك سايبة ، اصرف نصهم ، افتخ عيادة بالنص التانى.
(iw3a tiba3za'hom, mana 3arfaak iidak sayba. iSrif noSSohom, iftaH 3iyaada bin-noSS it-taani.)
Don't squander (the money); I know you're extravagant. Spend half, and open a clinic with the other half.

وصّى - يوصّي __ على (waSSa - yiwaSSi s.o. 3ala s.o.)
To ask that someone take care of or look after someone else. Often used in the context of a "kosa."
انت ابن حد هنا او حد انا اعرفه؟ - لا. - طيب اطلع برة وانده لي مها طيمور عشان دكتور سامي صادق مصّيني عليها.
(inta ibne Hadde hina aw Hadd ana a3rafu? - La. - Tayyib, iTla3 barra windah-li maha Taymuur 3ašaan doktoor saami Saadi' miwaSSiini 3aleiha.)
Are you the son of someone here or someone I know?
Ok, go outside and call Maha Taymour for me, because Dr. Sami Sadek asked me to look after her.

نصر - ينصر __ على (naSar - yunSur s.o. 3ala s.o.)
To side with someone against someone else.
انت غيرت الموضوع ليه وبعدين انت ليه دايما بتنصرها عليا؟
(inta ġayyart il-mawDuu3 leih, wa-ba3dein inta leih dayman bitunSurha 3alayya?)
Why did you change the subject, and why do you always take her side against me?

جوزي بيقول لأمي ياماما. وبسم الله ماشاء الله بيحبها كانها امه بجد. ومامتي بتنصره عليا والله في كل موقف كأنه هو اللي ابنها بس وهم متحديين عليا وبيبهدلوني بيبقى على قلبي زي العسل.
(gozi biy'uul li'ommi ya maama. wa-bism allaah ma ša' allaah biHebbaha ka'annaha ommu bigadd. wa-mamti bitunSuru 3alayya wallaahi fi kulle mawqif ka'annu howwa lli bnaha bass, wa-homma mittaHidiin 3alayya wa-biybahdiluuni biyib'a 3ala 'albi zayy il-3asal.)
My husband calls my mother "mom." And amazingly enough, he loves her as if she were really his own mother. And I swear my mom takes his side against me in every situation, as if he were her son, and they're united against me and give me a hard time, [but] I love it [i.e. their close relationship].

على راسه ريشة (3ala raasu riiša)
A big shot - used sarcastically. Lit. "a feather on his head."
اولا زى ما هى غلطت انت كمان غلطت زيها بالظبط...يعنى انت مش احسن منها ولا على راسك ريشه
(awwalan, zayy ma heyya ġalTit, inta kamaan ġeleTT zayyaha biZ-ZabT...ya3ni nta miš aHsan minha wala 3ala raasak riiša)
First, just as she made a mistake, so did you, just like you're not better than her or someone above everyone else.

مالوش في الطيب نصيب (maluuš fiT-Tayyib naSiib)
He doesn't have what it takes to mingle with the good people. This expression can be used when someone rejects someone else, deeming them unworthy of coming to a party they're hosting, for instance. Or it can be used to lament one's own bad luck.
على العموم انا هاقوم واشوف تربيزة تانية. واضح انى ماليش فى الطيب نصيب. ودايما هاقعد لوحدى. يالا خيرها فى غيرها.
(3ala l-3umuum, ana ha'uum wa'ašuuf Tarabeiza tanya. waaDiH inni maliiš fiT-Tayyib naSiib, wa dayman ha'3od li-waHdi. yalla, xerha fi ġerha.)
Anyway, I'm going to get up and find another table. It's clear I'm not welcome, and I'll always sit by myself. Well, maybe I'll have better luck next time.

دقّق - يدقّق (تدقيق) في (da''a' - yida''a' [tad'ii'] fi)
To look closely at.
دول هم أبطال المسلسل. لو قرّبنا ليهم وشفنا حياتهم هنقول عليهم انهم فاضيين وفارغين بس لو دقّقنا شوية هنشوف جواهم عالم مختلف - عالم تاني خالص غير اللى ظاهر لنا.
(dool homma abTaal il-mosalsal. šabaab zayye ayya šabaab fi masr. law 'arrabna liihom wa-šofna Hayathom, han'uul 3aleihom innohom faDyiin wa-farġiin, basse law da''a'na šwayya, hanšuuf gowwaahom 3aalam moxtalif, 3aalam taani xaaliS, ġeir illi Zaahir lina.)
Those are the stars of the show. Young people like any young people in Egypt. If we approached them and saw their life, we'd say they're silly and feckless, but if we took a closer look, we'd see a different world inside them - a whole other world than the one we can see (outwardly).

ياما جاب الغراب لامه (yaama gaab il-ġuraab lummu)
A rude expression said to someone who brings you a gift you don't like. Lit. What did the crow bring to its mother?
غاب وجاب، وياما جاب الغراب لامه، جايبها من فين وتمنها، طول عمرك ذوقك زفت، بدل الهدية التعبانة، كنت جبت شوية أكل للبيت، وكنت اديتني فلوس انقي على مزاجي.
(ġaab wa-gaab, wa-yaama gaab il-ġuraab lummu. gayibha min fein wa-tamanha, Tuul 3omrak zoo'ak zift, badal il-hidiyya t-ta3baana, kunt gibt šiwayyit akl lil-beit. wa-kunt iddetni filuus ana''i 3ala mzaagi.)
I see you've brought some crap with you. Where'd you get it from, and for how much? You've always had crappy taste. Instead of this lame gift, you should've brought some food home, or given me money so I could pick out something to my taste.

وليه منكوشه لبسه جلابيه لون الطين واقفه تجعر في العيال وصوتها جايب لاخر الشارع وبتجري ورا عيالها بالشبشب
الوليه:يا ولاد 60............. كده تدلقوا اللبن علي السجاد ده انا وسطي انقسم وطلعان عيني في تنضيفها
هيدخل الزوج راجع من شغله وتعبان وفي ايده ورد عشان لمراته حبيبته عشان عيد جوازهم
الزوج:ايه يا وليه صوتك جايب لاخر الشارع وانا ال كنت جايبلك ورد
مراته: انت جيت يا منيل مهي نقصاك وبعدين ورد ايه ال انت جايلي بيه يا اخويا ياما جاب الغراب لامه كنت جبت حزمتين فجل كانوا احسن عيني عليا وعلي بختي المايل جيراني بيجيلهم خواتم دهب وانت جاي جايبلي شويه ورد
الزوج:تصدقي اني استاهل ضرب الجزمه اني عبرتك وبعدين عيد جواز ايه ال بحتفل بيه ده كان يوم اسود

(wiliyya mankuuša labsa galabiyya loon iT-Tiin wa'fa tig3ar fil-3iyaal wa-Sotha gaayib li'aaxir iš-šaari3 wa-btigri wara 3iyalha biš-šibšib.
il-wiliyya: ya wilaad suttomiit [kalb], kida tudlu'u l-laban 3as-siggaada, dana wisTi n'asam, wa-Tal3aan 3eini fi tanDifha
hayodxol iz-zoog raagi3 min šoġlu wa-ta3baan wa-fi iidu ward 3ašaan li-mraatu Habibtu 3ašaan 3iid gawazhom.
iz-zoog: eih yawliyya, Sootik gaayib li'aaxir iš-šaari3, wana lli kunt gayiblik ward.
miraatu: inta geit ya mnayyil, mahe na'Saak, wa ba3dein ward eih ill-inta gayy-li biih yaxuuya, yaama gaab il-ġuraab lummu. kunt gibt Hizmatein figl kaanu aHsan. 3eini 3alayya wa-3ala baxti l-maayil. giraani biigilhom xawaatim dahab winta gayy gayibli šwayyit ward.
iz-zoog: tisadda'i inni astaahil Darb ig-gazma inni 3abbartik wa-ba3dein 3iid gawaaz eih baHtifil biih, da kaan yoom iswid.)

A low-class, disheveled woman wearing a mud-colored galabiyya* is standing bellowing at the kids in a voice that carries to the end of the street, running after her kids with a slipper [to smack them with it].
The woman: You little brats [lit. sons of 60 dogs], spilling the milk on the carpet like that, it drove me absolutely crazy cleaning it up.
In comes the husband, returning tired from work, carrying roses for his darling wife, for their anniversary.
The husband: What is it, woman, your voice is carrying to the end of the street, and just when I've brought roses for you.
His wife: So you've come, you loser. Like we needed you! What flowers you've come with — what a useless gift! You might as well have brought some radishes, those would've been better. How I pity myself and my crappy luck! My neighbors' husbands bring them gold rings, and you've brought me a few roses.
The husband: Believe me, I deserve to be hit with shoes for showing you consideration. What anniversary is this for me to celebrate, anyway? It was a black day!

* A galabiyya is a traditional Egyptian garment, like a loose, full-length robe with wide sleeves. They're worn as everyday clothing in rural areas, and in urban areas, they may be worn while sitting around at home, as they're very comfy.

عربجي (ج) عربجية (3arbagi [pl.] 3arbagiyya)
An 3arbagi can be a driver of a horse/donkey-drawn cart, or less literally, he can be someone low-class or uncouth.
ياناس شوية عيال بلطجية واطفال شوارع بيهدوا في مصرنا الغالية امسكوا كل العربجية دول - دول مش ثوار دول ضد مصر وعاوزينها تولع حرام حراااااااااااااااااااااام كفاية كدة
(ya naas, šwayyit 3iyaal balTagiyya wa'aTfaal šawaari3 bihiddu fi maSrina l-ġalya. imsiku kull il-3arbagiyya dool - dool miš suwwaar, dool Didd maSr wa-3awzinha tiwalla3. Haraam Haraam, kifaaya kida.)
People, some kids, thugs, and street kids are wrecking our precious Egypt. Arrest all that trash - they're not revolutionaries, they're against Egypt and want her to go up in flames. Shame, shame, enough of this.

دول بوابين وحيفضلوا طول عمرهم بوابين. دول عربجية مش حكام. يبقى يغوروا فى ستين داهية يشتغلوا بوابين شغلانة تليق بيهم مش يبوظوا الدنيا
(dool bawwabiin wa-hayifDalu Tuul 3omrohom bawwabiin. dool 3arbagiyya miš Hukkaam. yib'a yġuuru fi sittiin dahya yištaġalu bawwabiin šoġlaana tilii' biihom miš yibawwiZu d-donya.)
They're [on the level of] doorkeepers, and they'll stay doorkeepers forever. They're just trash, not leaders. To hell with them, let them work as doorkeepers, as that job suits them, so they don't ruin everything.

بلطجي (ج) بلطجية (balTagi [pl.] balTagiyya)
The balTagiyya are "thugs," but beyond that, the word is typically used in reference to criminals, unemployed youths, or poor people the Egyptian government has paid to disrupt elections, attack and intimidate political protesters, and provoke violence and chaos as an excuse for a crackdown. Basically, they did the regime's dirty work. Since the fall of the Mubarak regime in 2011, people have been liberally applying the term "balTagiyya" to anyone they want to blame for the problems in Egypt. You can read more about this here.
البلطجية اللي نزلت ايام الثورة دي مش صدفة او ناس خارجين عن القانون واستغلوا الانفلات الامني وكلنا عارفين كدا كويس انهم دول نفسهم اللي كنا بنشوفهم ايام الانتخابات عند صناديق الاقتراع وهم نفسهم الي كنا بنشوفهم ايام المظاهرات نازلين وسطينا بيخدمة يعني تقدروا تقولوا كدا انهم تبع الداخلية والحزب الوطني .. بيشتغلة عندهم وليهم بس مش لابسين ميري او معاهم كارنيهات مكتوب عليها المهنة بلطجي
(il-balTagiyya lli nizlit ayyaam is-sawra di miš Sodfa aw naas xargiin 3an il-qanuun wistaġallu l-infilaat il-amni, wa-kullina 3arfiin kida kwayyis innohom dool nafsohom illi kunna binšufhom ayyaam il-intixabaat 3and sanadii' il-iqtiraa3, wa-homma nafsohom illi kunna binšufhom ayyam il-muZahraat nazliin wisTiina.....ya3ni ti'daru ti'uulu kida innohom taba3 id-daaxiliyya wil-Hezb il-waTani...byištaġalu 3andohom wa-liihom basse miš labsiin miiri aw ma3aahom karnehaat maktuub 3aleihom il-mihna balTagi.)
The thugs who came out during the revolution didn't do it by coincidence; they weren't [just] people operating outside the law who exploited the lack of security. And we all know that perfectly well, that they're the same ones we saw during the elections at the ballot boxes. And they're the same ones we saw during the demonstrations...So you can say they're affiliated with the Interior Ministry and the National Party...they work for them, but not in uniform or carrying ID cards with "thug" written on them for "profession."

الناس اللي ورا المواجهات عند مديرية الامن في اسكندرية عايزين الشعب يفهم ان الناس طالعة ومعاها مولوتوف. لكن الحقيقة ان الامن معاه بلطجية وده شيء مش جديد وشغلتهم انهم يستفزوا الناس ويقوموهم علشان يفتعلوا مواجهة
(in-naas illi wara l-muwaghaat 3and mudiiriyyit il-amn fi-skinderiyya 3ayziin iš-ša3b yifham inn in-naas Tal3a wa-ma3aaha molotof. laakin il-Ha'ii'a inn il-amn ma3aah balTagiyya wa-da šei' miš gediid wa-šoġlithom innohom yistafizzu n-naas wa-yi'awwimuuhom 3alašaan yifta3ilu muwagha)
The people behind the clashes at the Directorate of Security in Alexandria want the people to think that the people had Molotov cocktails with them. But the truth is that the security forces had thugs with them, and that's not a new thing. Their job is to provoke people and incite them in order to start a confrontation.

اللى كلوه وز وز هيطلع عليهم بط بط (illi kaluuh wizze wizze hayiTla3 3aleihom baTTe baTT)
They'll get what's coming to them; they'll get what they deserve. Lit. What they ate as a goose will turn out to be a duck.
الراجل ده لازم يتحاكم او يتعمل فيه زى ماتعمل فى القذافى و اللى قاله وز وز بكره يطلع عليه بط بط.
(ir-raagil da laazim yitHaakim aw yit3amal fiih zayye mat3amal fil-qazzaafi, willi 'aalu wizze wizze bukra yiTla3 3aleih baTTe baTT.)
That man should be tried, or he should get the same treatment Qaddafi got (i.e. death) — his just deserts.

ايد ورا وايد قدام (iid wara w'iid 'oddaam)
Empty-handed. Used for situations in which one would be expected to bring a gift, but didn't. Lit. one hand behind and one in front, as if you were naked and covering yourself up.
جبت ايه معاك والا جاي ايد ورا وايد قدام
(gibt eih ma3aak, wala gayy iid wara wa'iid 'oddaam?)
What did you bring with you, or have you come empty-handed?

عض - يعض الايد اللى اتمدت له - بتتمد له (3aDD - yi3oDD il-iid ill-itmaddit-lu/illi bititmaddilu)
To bite the hand that feeds you. Lit. to bite the hand that was extended to you.
[In response to a news story titled نواب يطالبون بإطلاق النار على المتظاهرين - "Representatives [in parliament] call for protestors to be shot"]
المفروض النواب دول همة اللى تطلق عليهم النار. لانهم عملوا زى الكلب اللئيم اللى بيعض الايد اللى اتمدت له وخلته يقعد على كرسى فى مجلس الشعب
(il-mafruuD in-nawwaab dool homma lli tuTlu' 3aleihom in-naar, li'annohom 3amalu zayy ik-kalb il-la'iim illi biy3oDD il-iid ill-itmadditlu wa-xallitu yi'3od 3ala kursi fi maglis iš-ša3b)
Those representatives are the ones who should be shot, because they're like the deceitful dog that bites the hand that gave it a seat in parliament.

حيلة (Hiila)
This word can be used to refer to someone's possessions. Or it can be used to say that someone is an only child, or to call someone حيلة أمه (a mama's boy) in a very negative way, often when someone is acting spoiled. See the examples below.
أرﺍﻫﻦ ﻟﻮ ﺗﻢ ﺗﻘﺴﻴﻢ ﻣﺼﺮ ﺇﻟﻰ ﺩﻭﻟﺔ ﻟﻴﺒﺮﺍﻟﻴﺔ ﺣﺮﺓ .. ﻭ ﺩﻭﻟﺔ ﺩﻳﻨﻴﺔ ﺇﻥ % 90 ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺮﻯ ﻫﻴﻨﺘﺨﺐ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻭ ﺣﻴﺮﻭﺡ ﻳﻌﻴﺶ ﻓﻰ ﺍﻷﻭﻟﻰ ﺑﺎﻟﻈﺒﻂ زى ﺍﻟﻠﻲ ﻳﻬﺎﺟﻢ ﺍﻣﺮﻳﻜﺎ ﻭ ﻣﺴﺘﻌد يبيع اللي حيلته عشان يعيش فيها
(araahin law tamma ta'siim maSr ila dawla libraliyya Horra, wa dawla diiniyya, inna tis3iin fil-meyya min iš-ša3b il-maSri hayintixib it-tanya wa-hayruuH yi3iiš fil-uula, biZZabT zayy illi yhaagim amriika wa-musta3idd yibii3 illi Hiltu 3ašaan yi3iiš fiiha.)
I bet if Egypt were divided into a free, liberal country and a religious country, 90% of the people would vote for the second and go live in the first, just like those who attack the US while they're ready to sell everything they own to live there.

عاوز اصلح التلفزيون ذا انا ما حيلتيش غيرو ومش قادر اشتري تلفزيون تاني
(3aawiz aSallaH it-televizyoon, dana maHeltiiš ġeiru, wa-miš 'aadir aštiri televizyoon taani)
I want to fix the TV, since I don't own anything else, and I can't buy another TV.

بقى هو ده الى عاجبك بعد كل الى رفضتيهم .... ده ما حلتوش الهوا .. وبيشتغل مندوب فى شركة مستلزمات طبيه بمرتب ما ياكلكوش عيش حاف ...ولا اهله .!!!! ابوه موظف على اد حاله فى الزراعه .. وامه ست بيت وشكلها مش متعلم ولا بالكتير معاها اعداديه
(ba'a howwa da lli 3agbik ba3de kull illi rafaDtiihom? da maHeltuuš il-hawa, wa-byištaġal manduub fi šerkit mustalzamaat Tibbiyya bi-mrattab mayi'akkiluuš 3eiš Haaf, wala ahlu! abuuh muwaZZaf 3ala 'adde Haalu fiz-ziraa3a, wa'ummu sitte beit wa-šaklaha miš mit3allim wala bik-kitiir ma3aaha i3daadiyya.)
He's the guy you like after all the ones you refused? He doesn't have a penny to his name1. He works as a medical equipment company representative2, for a salary that wouldn't pay for a hunk of bread3, let alone feed a family! His father is a poor4 agricultural employee, and his mother stays at home, and doesn't seem educated or even like she finished middle school.

1 ما حيلتوش الهوا literally means "He doesn't [even] own the air," i.e. he's penniless.
2 A مندوب is sent around to different places to advertise company products and so forth, like how a pharmaceutical company rep goes to different doctors' offices to advertise the company's drugs. It's a low-level job.
3 عيش حاف refers to bread by itself, without any food accompanying it — a sign of poverty.
4 راجل على قد حاله means "a poor man."

لكن هو طبعا الصغير .. ده غير انه الولد الحيلة .. ازاى يعنى ميبقاش متدلع .... دلعهم ده خلاه بقى راجل انانى
(laakin howwa Tab3an iS-Soġayyar...da ġeir innu l-walad il-Hiila. izzayy ya3ni mayib'aaš mitdalla3? dala3hom da xallaah ba'a raagil anaani.)
But of course he's the youngest...that's aside from the fact that he's the only boy. So how would he not be spoiled? Their spoiling of him made him into a selfish man.

الواد حيلة امه عاوز يقعد ع الكومبيوتر...بيقولي ماتجيبلك لاب توب لك .....عيال اخر زمن ......ده مش عيل ده شحط ف 2 ثانوي ....بس مدمن كومبيوتر والعاب
(il-wad da Hiilit 'ommu, 3aawiz yi'3od 3al-kombyuuter, bi'olli matgiblak laab top lik. 3iyaal aaxir zamaan! da miš 3ayyil, da šaHT fi itnein sanawi, basse modmin kombyuuter wa'al3aab.)
That guy is a mama's boy who wants to sit on the computer, and tells me, "Why don't you bring a laptop for yourself?" Kids these days! He's not a kid, he's a big hulk of a guy in high school who just sits around like a bum all day, and is addicted to computers and games.

صفر على الشمال (Sifr 3aš-šimaal)
A non-entity; frequently used in the context of feeling unimportant or insignificant. Literally, a zero on the left. A zero on the left of a number, like 01, doesn't change the number itself, so it's useless.
اوقات بحس انى صفر على الشمال بس لما ببص على المجلس وإدارته للبلاد بحس اني لازم يتعملي تمثال
(aw'aat baHess inni Sifr 3aš-šimaal, basse lamma baboSS 3al-maglis wa'idartu lil-bilaad, baHess inni laazim yit3amil-li timsaal)
Sometimes I feel like a nobody, but when I look at the [Military] Council and the way it runs the country, I feel like they should build me a statue! [i.e. the Military Council does such a bad job of running the country, I look amazing in comparison]

فاكر انك عشان بوبيولار في الجامعة, تبقي انت حاجة, عشان كدة مش عايز تخرج منها, لان لو خرجت, هترجع تاني لحقيقتك, صفر علي الشمال, مالكش قيمة في الدنيا
(faakir innak 3ašaan bobyular fig-gam3a, tib'a nta Haaga, 3ašaan kida miš 3aayiz toxrog minha, li'anne law xaragt, hatirga3 taani li-Ha'i'tak, Sifr aš-šimaal, malakš 'iima fid-donya)
You think because you're popular at university, you've become somebody, so you don't want to leave, because if you left, you'd go back to your reality — a nobody, without any value in the world.

محمود صوته مش حلو هو رقاص بس صوت صفر على الشمال
(maHmuud Sootu miš Helw, howwa ra''aaS basse Soot Sifr aš-šimaal)
Mahmoud [Shoukry]'s voice isn't good; he's a [good] dancer, but his voice is worthless.

مش لاقي اللضى (miš laa'i l-laDa)
Penniless; like ما حيلتوش الهوا.
يبقى انت معاك فلوس مخبيها وبتفنجر على العالم من ورايا وسايبنى هنا مش لاقيه اللضا
(yib'a nta m3aak filuus mixabbiiha wa-bitfangar* 3al-3aalam min waraaya wa-saayibni hina miš la'ya l-laDa.)
So you have money you're hiding and blowing it* on everyone else behind my back, leaving me here without a penny.

* فنجر - يفنجر (fangar - yifangar) means "to spend money extravagantly." A فنجري (fangari) is a "big spender."

طوب الأرض (Tuub il-arD)
Absolutely everyone.
و الناس دي انا حاسس بيهم لاني عارف يعني ايه يبقى مش معاك فلوس و تستلف من طوب الارض عشان تعيش
(win-naas di ana Haasis biihom li'anni 3aarif ya3ni eih yib'a miš ma3aak filuus wa-tistilif min Tuub il-arD 3ašaan yi3iiš)
I feel for these people, because I know what it means to not have any money and to borrow from everyone you know in order to live.

عمل - يعمل زي الناس (3amal - yi3mel zayy in-naas)
To go to the bathroom (euphemistic). Lit. to do like the people.
عاوز أعمل زى الناس.
نرجع المكتب يا ريس.
لا.. أنا عاوز أروح مراحيض عمومية عادية خالص.
(3aawiz a3mel zayy in-naas.
nirga3 il-maktab ya rayyis.
la, ana 3aawiz aruuH maraHiiD 3umuumiyya 3aaddiyya xaaliS.)

I want to go to the bathroom.
Let's go back to the office, sir [President].
No, I want to go to completely ordinary public bathrooms.

حطّ - يحطّ البنزين ع النار (HaTT - yiHoTT il-binziin 3an-naar)
To add fuel to the flames. Lit. to put oil on the fire.
الى بيعملوا الفتن دول ناس جبانه تلاقيهم بيعملوا الموضوع ويخرجوا. على طول هما كده حطوا البنزين على النار وجريوا وسابوا الناس تشتم فى بعض
(illi byi3melu l-fitan, dool naas gubana tla'iihom byi3melu l-mawDuu3 wa-yixrugu. 3ala Tuul homma kida HaTTu l-binziin 3an-naar wa-giryu wa-sabu n-naas tištim fi ba3D.)
The people who stir up trouble [lit. make discord] are cowardly people whom you find talking about the issue, then leaving. Just like that, they pour fuel on the flames and run, leaving people insulting each other.

استخفّ - يستخفّ (استخفاف) دمّه (istaxaff - yistaxaff [istixfaaf] dammu)
To consider someone pleasant or fun to be around (خفيف الدم).
شغال قوانين وفروض عليها من يوم ما اتجوزوا ... حتى انها اكتر قرايبها بقى ممنوع تزورهم ... ده ما بيستخفش دمه وده بيغير منه ودي رخمه وبتتريق عليه ...حتى اصحابها ... كل واحده بحجه شكل خلاها تبعد عنها
(šaġġaal qawaniin wa-fruuD 3aleiha min yoom ma tgawwazu, Hatta innaha aktar 'araayibha ba'a mamnuu3 tizurhom. da mabyistaxaffeš dammu, wa-da biyġiir minnu, wa-di rexma wa-bitittarya' 3aleih. Hatta aSHabha, kulle waHda bi-Higga šakl xallaaha tib3id 3anha.)
[He had] imposed rules and restrictions on her since the day they got married; even most of her relatives had been forbidden to visit them. He thought that one was unpleasant, and this one was jealous of him, and that one was obnoxious and made fun of him. He'd even made every one of her friends distance themselves from her with one excuse or another.

من يومه (min yoomu)
From the start; all his life.
أنا مش عارفة هي البلد دي إيه اللي حصلها ولا هي من يومها كدة وإحنا اللي مش كنا شايفين
(ana miš 3arfa heyya l-balad di eih illi HaSalha wala heyya min yomha kida weHna lli miš kunna šayfiin.)
I don't know what happened to this country, or if it's always been like this, and we didn't see it.

انت اصلا منحوس من يومك ونحستنى معاك وكل ما اخرج معاك لازم نتخانق علشان شكلك ميخليش الواحد يحترمه ابدا
(inta aSlan manHuus min yoomak wa-naHasteni ma3aak, wa-kulle ma axrog ma3aak, laazim nitxaani' 3alašaan šaklak mayxalliiš il-waaHid yiHtirimu abadan.)
You've been unlucky all your life, and you've brought me bad luck; whenever I go out with you, we inevitably fight with each other, because the way you look doesn't make anyone respect you at all.

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